Exam Prep Questions

Which is not a benefit of analogous estimating:

A) Cheaper
B) More accurate
C) Faster
D) Few Calculations


Answer: B) More accurate. Analogous estimating is generally less accurate than other estimating methods. All the other options are benefits of analogous estimating.


What is true about the Project Charter?

A) It applies only to Predictive Methodologies
B) It applies to both Predictive and Agile Methodologies
C) It should describe the goals for each iteration
D) Skipping the Project Charter is advisable on Adaptive Methodologies


Answer: B) It applies to both Predictive and Agile Methodologies. The Project Charter is applicable to both methodologies.


Which of the following is not specifically directed at the agile concept of continuous improvement?
A) Kaizen
B) Daily Standups
C) Product Backlog
D) Sprint Retrospective


Answer: C) Product Backlog

Product Backlog is a list of all of the features that are to be implemented throughout the project, regardless of the planned iteration or release.


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